Marketing & SEO - Top Blogs Philippines
Being an Affiliate is a way to earn money on net easily if you know the basic and the process.You must  know first what is Affiliate and a Vendor.You have to familiarize what are the rules or responsibilities of these two categories. You can ask the expert how being an affiliate. Or you can ask them what are the chances to earn money from the internet with easy steps.  Affilorama has over 70 hours videos to watch for free. 
If you like to know more about affiliate you can visit this site 
Affilorama (don't worry it will open in other window ). 

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I could show you some income that I earned from ClickBANK. where I have learned from that site, Affilorama how to be an Affiliate...just stay tuned.

To Vendors who want to publish and sell their written digital books, you can click the image (  << CB image. ) I'll be helping you to sell your stuffs globally the best I could do.

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If you are already an affiliate and want to sky rocketed your income try this product. This will blow your mind!
If you wish to follow me in Twitter to have friends that I followed. You can even tweet here or comment directly to your Twitter account.

Wish you All the Best and GOOD LUCK!

How to Sketch


To become an artist illustrator is a long process. It will take time to master it. First you have a passion to this profession and are enjoying to do it.
I was  5 years old when I got interested in drawing, I was not enrolled yet, but fond drawings on pavements, walls and even in the sidewalks using chalks or anything stuff that could use in writing .
When I went to school as a first grader, I was on 7 years old then, my teacher saw my talent when I always sketching to my notebooks. Sometimes my other teachers from other subjects scolded me for not writing a lesson instead my notebooks were full of drawings.

My interest in drawings became part of my daily activities specially on my high school days I got interested in drawing human figures, everything I saw and imagined I sketch and draw using different mediums.  There's no internet yet at that time. I was always in Library  searching for the Arts and Artists books. I was so impressed with the works of the masters like Michael Angelo, Leonardo Davinci and Raphael.

And the rest is history...

Here are some books that you could improve and master your desire as an artist / illustrator. This will help you much to improve your drawing even you don't know how to draw. The important is you have a goal to  draw and have passion on it.You must start drawing of circles, lines, square and everything you can see. This is important to the beginners and it will help you to be able to familiar with every lines. even it is a curve , crooked or straight lines. You can try also reading books in basic drawings, watching Youtube's videos.

But if you can afford to buy Ebooks online here is some I can recommend to you as a beginners. It will help you a lot to improve your sketches and drawings.

You can try this book How to Sketch   

But if you know about the basic and want to improve more about your passion you can try some books that will enrich your talent like How to Draw Realistic Portraits in just 4 Weeks or in a month.
This book can view also in your mobile to master your desire as professional artist.

Again here is the book How to Draw Realistic Portraits in just 4 Weeks. Try it if you want to improve more your drawings and be recognize by other artists as well as to have more costumers if you prefer a full time artist illustrator.

In figurative drawings you can draw even without  model by constant practice the way I do. I can draw without model in any position by technique. Here are some tips that could improve your drawings of people or figures
perfectly. You can view this in your mobile phone so you can perfect it everyday. How to Draw People and Figures Perfectly Without a Model.

Thanks for reading and I know you will improve your drawings by trying those books step by step to reach your goal of being professional artist/ illustrator.

Good luck!


To aspiring artists..Here are your chance to explore your talent. By creating free site like Weebly you can post your drawings with an auto uploader of this site. It' easy to do, just follow the video. You can post how many as you want and you can track them in the stat page if how many visitors everyday you have. Having a website even it's free is a big help to show your works to the world or to the clients that are interested your style and hire you. You can post your free site to any freelancers site. with the given URL of Weebly.

You can sell your art works from your created website or you can join ArtWanted. It's free too. In this site you can sell as many arts in any categories...pencil, paint, acrylic or any medium of your art works.
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Arts & Craft - Top Blogs Philippines

My daily sketches this year 2013. I am spending 30 min to one hour before going to digital coloring as my job and sometimes doing paintings when I'm the mood to paint. This is my hobby where I enjoying much when I visualize what I imagined..

Here are some of my sketches  during  free time that enjoyed me  much to do even one page of  them. This is the way I loosen my stress and to lower my temper.

Today ( Jan 8, 2013) I finished 2 sketches this morning when I'm waiting for the power to resume. It was power off for almost 2 hours and here is the result of the sketches where I'm planning to paint them on canvas.


I'll paint this on 27 x 37 inches on canvas for the preparation of  Exhibition in Cagsawa on February. Just stay tuned for the upcoming sketches this week.

Today, ( Jan. 10, 8 a.m. ) I just start  painting this on canvas, I'm gonna post this  on Arts FOR SALE page once finished for you to view the effect of oil painting.


Jan. 12, 8:00 a.m to 9:00 a.m.. sketches I finished 4 pages today 


Just finished 2 sketches today, Jan 14, 8 p.m. entitled  "BALTOG" the Bikol Epic of Ibalong.
I'm planning to do some series of this character together with "Magayon". Please standby for the next images soon.
Join ArtWanted and sell your Artworks in any medium.